Saturday, December 31, 2016

Rooted in Christ

Entering the New Year Completely Trusting in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for my life!! I am desiring to shed the worlds ways and walk in obedience to him. I am walking on faith as I trust in HIS ways and desires for my life, and not what I conjure up!

I am transferring ALL my Trust to God, believing that HE is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. HE came as Man, Jesus,  to redeem us from our faults, teach us HIS ways, to show us HIS power, and give us HIS light to navigate these days. Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead to pay the penalty for our sins and to purchase a place in heaven for us. Through all this we see that HE is Just, Merciful, Forgiving!! HE is LOVE!! 

I know that Faith is NOT head knowledge, it is TRANSFORMING Heart knowledge. When you know HIM, When HE has captured your heart and transformed it, ALL you want to do is SERVE HIM and Be Obedient to HIM! There is nothing that I could do beside ask Him into my heart! He left the door open for me and I ASKED HIM in!! HE then started the TRANSFORMING process in me!!! 

PRAISING my ALMIGHTY CREATOR AND SAVIOR this morning as I am so thankful that HE has SAVED me from the bondage of this world and given me NEW LIFE in HIM!

Like the blind man in John 9:24-34...........All I know is I was blind and now I see. I do not know all of scripture, I do not know all the facts.........All I know is "I was blind and now I see".

Prayers that each and everyone of my family, friends and people I meet along the way will ASK HIM IN and allow HIM to change your heart for HIS purposes :)

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