Thursday, May 18, 2017

Life Transitions.......Reality Checks

 My ramblings of today………………..A heavy Heart with a Renewed Perspective!

These ramblings stem from LIFE......LIFE home and LIFE abroad.....Lots of LIFE, People and Observations! 

Some people I run into come from that “happy home” that is filled with love, good, sound teaching, loving discipline, and filled with joy and laughter. These people are able to “go out” into the world and LOVE! They bring JOY, Grace, Kindness and Mercy. They exhibit self-control, are flexible and adaptable to many different situations. They are accountable for their actions and create very little drama around them. They have learned effective coping strategies, they share their sadness, they know when to laugh and when to cry.
YES, there are people “out there” just like this!! I have met them, they are genuinely good people raised with a strong foundation of LOVE!!
It is the LOVE described in 1Corinitihains 13:4-7. It is LOVE that is patient and kind; Love that does not envy or boast; Love that is not proud or rude: Love that is not self seeking or easily angered; Love that takes no account of wrongs; Love that has no pleasure in evil and rejoices in truth; Love that bears all things, and endures all things.
I am blessed each time I meet one of these LOVING people J

I long to be one of “those people”, BUT the reality is I did not come from that strong foundation of love, nor did my forefathers. Thus, I come from a generation of  “survivors”.  We “survivors” did the best we could and reacted to the world according to how we saw everyone else react. We coped with LIFE using a variety of crutches including drugs, alcohol, sex, food addictions, lust, envy, jealously, fighting, anger, passive-aggressiveness, impulsiveness, gossip, greed, pride and delusions of grandeur. We were tough, hardheaded, simple-minded or just the opposite, passive, quiet, disengaged and introverted. We could “do life” on our own. We did not need wisdom, we already knew it all. We said “I love you” all the time, yet it was mixed with everything BUT love.  Life was filled with conflict and confusion. Our lives reflected the continuous drama associated with these behaviors.

This is the battle and confusion that I have been fighting my entire life. I share openly because I believe this “battle” effects the majority of society. My heart breaks for this fallen world! I know the pain that lack of true love causes. ALL of the broken pieces are due to behaviors that are the outcome of lack of love. We, have contributed to this broken world.

The Good News is, we can also take an active part in coming alongside and creating renewal. To heal this world, we have to walk in LOVE. We must know and believe that True, REAL LOVE only comes from our Creator, God!! HE has given us the TRUTH for life in HIS WORD! He shows us story after story the effects of the human heart that lacks love. He tells us what NON-LOVE, evil is. He teaches how non-loving behaviors will creep into our lives and attack our families. When we trust, believe and walk in obedience to HIS way, our hearts are renewed and changed. We can see the TRUTH come alive.

As it says in 1 Corintithans 13:11-12
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I set aside childish ways. Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known”.

When we trust and believe, we put aside childish thinking and learn from our maker and LOVE is transformed into new hearts! I pray that ALL will go to HIS Word, the Bible for the wisdom we need to LOVE as HE LOVES US!

So I say to those “good” people, continue with the wisdom that you were raised with. DO NOT be naïve and take your upbringing of good, sound wisdom and love for granted and get caught up into following the culture. Just because the “culture” does it, does not mean that it right. In LIFE, there is a slippery slope that can quickly grab hold and pull you into a downward spiral. I say this boldly because I have  watched it happen. In my “renewed” walk, I have chosen to mix with those with a good foundation, yet have seen them get sucked in because they truly did not know or understand the effects of “NON-LOVING” behaviors. Be careful!! KNOW Gods ways, not the world’s ways J

 That's ALL :)

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